State-of-the-art car breathalyzer ignition interlock device used by Alcohol Detection Services of AZ
Our NEW automotive alcohol detection system,
The Determinator®
ignition interlock device
automatically stops drunk driving!
Product images of the state-of-the-art car breathalyzer ignition interlock device used by Alcohol Detection Services of AZ

About The Determinator®

Our Alcohol Detection System (ADS), The Determinator®, is a state-of-the-art ignition interlock device, an automotive safety device. The system analyzes blood alcohol content and determines if a driver is within a legal limit to get behind the wheel. In order to start a vehicle with an installed ADS, a breath sample must be given. If a certain level of alcohol is read, the vehicle will not start. The setting can be adjusted as necessary from a zero to a required level.

The durable ignition interlock device hardware consists of a user-friendly and discreet mouthpiece, and a control module, which is wired to the vehicle. Read our FAQs


Why Choose The Determinator®?

  • Makes you aware of your breath alcohol level.
  • Prevents accidents and saves lives.
  • Courtesy car restart function.
  • Simple and safe to follow voice commands and tone prompts that walk you through start up procedure.
  • Functions as an alternative anti-theft device.
  • Helpful with probation situations.
  • Easy cleaning and low maintenance.
  • Bilingual voice commands
  • May qualify you for reduced insurance premiums.

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Woman behind the wheel safely avoiding DUI with a vehicle breathalyzer device provided by Alcohol Detection Services of AZ